Infrastructure Relocation
Over the years many types of infrastructure relocations have come up for our customers. Plans for new data centers, company moves, new hosting partners, outsourcing to IaaS and new equipment are all examples of where the discussion begins. Sometimes the project from start to finish can seem so daunting that a customer will delay or simply put off the move despite a huge benefit or cost saving.
Each company will have a number of internal requirements for making a large change like an infrastructure move. Some will need Quality Plans, others will need company risk assessments, but at a minimum a detailed set of move steps and testing will be required. From an ERP perspective, many of the tasks we do to validate systems during User Acceptance testing are no different to what happens during a properly run relocation: hardware and networking acceptance, cutover plans, end user testing, testing of partner integrations, and ensuring that it all elements work together. We have all the tools to put together a plan appropriate for your company and we have a team that knows how to relocate Oracle ERP product and other fringe products. We also have the dedication to put in the long hours during cutover weekend to ensure that we are all successful.
Many times after a company has been using their ERP related systems for a while, the cumulative change that has occurred over a few years may not be documented properly. Moves are a perfect time to go into all the details and create a set of documentation to be proud of. This becomes a fairly IT centric exercise with some input from the business. Sumpositive has a great understanding of the security and network requirements as well as the ability to reverse engineer any interfaces and tools; ensuring that they are working properly and relate to current needs. We can help put together documents for network topology, port mappings, system configurations, data flow, vendor interfaces and anything else that touches or affects ERP. It’s also a good time to ensure that the testing scorecard is up to date with current scenarios.
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